Apr 8, 2022

Your alternator has two purposes: to produce electricity for your car and to recharge your battery. Under normal circumstances, the alternator works away quietly serving both of these purposes. When an alternator gets older, however, it can start to wear out. The worn alternator won’t be able to supply enough power for all of your car’s devices. Your friendly Chevy dealer is here to help when you need an alternator repair.

Alternator Repair Frankston, TX

Do You Need an Alternator Repair From Your Chevy Dealer?

A Dead Battery

Sometimes your battery can just die, and sometimes the battery can be killed by a failing alternator. One of the key functions of your alternator is to charge the battery. When you start your car, the battery uses a large amount of power to charge the starter solenoid. Once your car starts, your alternator will kick in and begin recharging the battery.

When an alternator gets older, however, it begins producing less electricity. This will become a serious problem as your car has set power demands. The reduced electricity means that various components will develop problems, and your battery won’t be fully recharged. Each time your battery uses more electricity than it receives when being recharged, it will get weaker. We can test the alternator and the battery and replace whichever has failed.

Dim Dash Panel

The dash panel provides most of the information you need right in front of you. Your dash is set to light up at night, and this makes it easier to see your speed and other important gauges. If the dash lights are dim, this means your dash isn’t receiving all of the electricity that it needs. A worn alternator doesn’t produce enough power, so the available power has to be supplied to priority systems first.

An easy check for an alternator problem is to compare the brightness of the dash when your engine is on and when it’s off. Turn the key, but don’t start your car. Your dash panel would light up. Then turn the key and compare the brightness of the dash. If the dash is dimmer when your engine is running, you have an alternator problem.

Noises From the Engine

Unfamiliar sounds in your car are never good to hear. Whining or grinding noises from your engine can be a sign of an alternator problem. Your alternator is controlled by a belt, called the alternator belt, that runs through your engine. It connects the crankshaft to numerous important components. This belt runs over a series of pulleys at high speed, and this movement helps to produce electricity.

If the charging system isn’t properly maintained, parts can jam or suffer damage. A jammed pulley, for example, can cause the belt to make whining sounds it passes over the damaged section. Grinding noises can also be a sign that one or more of the alternator bearings have failed.

If you have an alternator problem, call us right away at Bacon Chevrolet. We’ll investigate, and have your car fixed in no time.